Energy-Efficient Multipliers-VLSI PROJECT

Efficient distributed linear classification algorithms via the alternating direction method of multipliers
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Linear classification has demonstrated success in many areas of applications. Modern algorithms for linear classification can train reasonably good models while going through the data in only tens of rounds. However, large data often does not fit in the memory of a single

Efficient variable selection in support vector machines via the alternating direction method of multipliers
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The support vector machine (SVM) is a widely used tool for classification. Although commonly understood as a method of finding the maximum-margin hyperplane, it can also be formulated as a regularized function estimation problem, corresponding to a hinge loss

Preference of efficient architectures for GF (p) elliptic curve crypto operations using multiple parallel multipliers
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This paper explores architecture possibilities to utilize more than one multiplier to speedup the computation of GF (p) elliptic curve crypto systems. The architectures considers projective coordinates to reduce the GF (p) inversion complexity through additional

Adaptive Algorithms Based Cross Talk Reduction Techniques Using Efficient Multipliers in VerilogHDL
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Crosstalk is a phenomenon by which signals from one channel interfere with the signals of another. In this work, we have investigated the applications of cross talk elimination in interferometer, telecommunications, biomedicine, etc. to improve the performance in these

Efficient Reconfigurable Multipliers Based on the Twin-Precision Technique
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During the last decade of integrated electronic design ever more functionality has been integrated onto the same chip, paving the way for having a whole system on a single chip. The strive for ever more functionality increases the demands on circuit designers that have

Resource Efficient Design and Implementation of Standard and Truncated Multipliers using FPGAs
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We study the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation of fixed width standard and truncated multipliers using Very High speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language and implemented on Spartan-3AN, Virtex and Virtex-E devices. We have

Area efficient parallel multipliers using pass transistor logic (PTL)
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In recent years, total power dissipation and area are one of the most important challenges in VLSI design. By reducing the number of transistors in the circuits and the design structures are may occupied small area and ultra-low power design. In this project based on AND

Design of Resource Efficient FIR fIlter Structure using Adders and Multipliers
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This paper presents high speed digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter relying on Wallace tree multiplier and Carry Select Adder (CSLA). Adder has three architectures such as basic CSLA using RCA (Ripple Carry Adder), CSLA using BEC (Binary to Excess-1

Design and Implementation of Parallel Micro-programmed FIR Filter Using Efficient Multipliers on FPGA
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ABSTRACT Impulse Response Filter plays an important part in digital signal processing applications such as video, audio and image processing. The performance of FIR filter is improved by using efficient multipliers and adders. In this paper 8 tap parallel

An Efficient Technique for the Optimization of Submillimeter-wave Schottky-diode Harmonic Multipliers
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A simple and efficient modified harmonic-balance technique is presented. This new algorithm is suitable for the large-signal time-dependent analysis of nonlinear millimeter wave circuits. The accurate design and successful implementation of very high frequency

High speed and efficient 4-tap fir filter design using modified eta and multipliers
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The FIR filter is a fundamental processing element in many Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems. FIR filters are used in DSP applications ranging from image and video processing to wireless communication. Arithmetic circuits like adders and multipliers are basic building

High-Performance and Area- Efficient Hardware Design for Radix-2^ sup k^ Montgomery Multipliers
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Montgomery multiplication is one of the fundamental operations used in cryptographic systems. The nowclassic hardware architecture for implementing Multiple-Word Radix-2 Montgomery Multiplication (MWR2MM) was proposed by Tenca and Koç in CHES 1999

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Multipliers are used in RISC (Reduced instruction set computing), DSP (Digital signal Processors), graphics accelerators like so on. The total speed performance of any VLSI system can be depends on the speed performance of multiplier. In this paper we are

Design and Implementation of Parallel Micro-Programmed FIR Filter Using Efficient Multipliers on FPGA
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Impulse Response Filter plays an important part in digital signal processing applications such as video, audio and image processing. The performance of FIR filter is improved by using efficient multipliers and adders. In this paper 8 tap parallel microprogrammed FIR filter

Design and Implementation of Efficient Multipliers using dual Quality 4: 2 Compressors
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Reversible logic gates became very important and computing paradigm having its applications in low power CMOS technologies and Quantum computing we proposed reversible gates methodology also introduces for quantum cost reducing of circuit. Multiplier

Novel Design Of Area Efficient Multipliers Using Dual Quality 4: 2 Compressors
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Reversible logic gates became very important and computing paradigm having its applications in low power CMOS technologies and Quantum computing we proposed reversible gates methodology also introduces for quantum cost reducing of circuit. Multiplier

Design and Analysis of Low Power High Speed Area Efficient Multipliers using Compressors on FPGA
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The main theme of the paper is to design Compressor Based Low Power high speed and Area Efficient Multipliers on FPGA. In order to perform higher order multiplications more number of adders are required for the partial product addition. Special kind of adders are

Where Technology has Led IEEE-754 Single Precision Floating Point Unit Devices, and Energy Efficient Multipliers
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In this paper, we will see how the metrics for certain adders, multipliers , and floating point units have changed. We will examine the time period from 2000 to 2015, and record the changes noted along the way. Some popular designs seen throughout these years include

Area Efficient Finite Field Multipliers using Redundant Basis
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Redundant basis (RB) multipliers over Galois Field have gained huge popularity in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) mainly because of their negligible hardware cost for squaring and modular reduction. In this paper, we have proposed a novel recursive decomposition

Area Efficient and Reduced Pin Count Multipliers
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Fully serial multipliers can play an important role in the implementation of DSP algorithms in resource-limited chips such as FPGAs; offering area efficient architectures with a reduced pin count and moderate throughput rates. In this paper two structures that implement the fully