Review: Biometric Based Electronic Voting Machine EVM

Ms. Shilpa Srivastava
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ABES Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India

Muskan Bharadwaj, Pavni Sharma, Priyanshi Jhalani
Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
ABES Engineering College
Ghaziabad, India

Abstract— Organizing free and fair elections in the country has become quite difficult for the government these days .A large amount of money has been spent on this to ensure that there are no riots during the elections .But nowadays, certain forces have become accustomed to rigging elections, leading to a contrary verdict to what the people intended. The purpose of this paper is to present a new voting scheme that uses biometrics to improve accuracy and speed while avoiding rigging. Due to the fact that each human has a different fingerprint, we can easily identify the personal details by using fingerprint sensors in our system. Therefore, this system is better than the current voting system. Voters’ fingerprints will be entered into the system as input during the elections. Then this input fingerprint will be compared to the database. If the user’s data is available in our database, then we will grant them voting access. However, if the record does not match our database, then we will reject this vote. The same applies to repeat users. By reducing costs, the system’s maintenance costs and overall costs for conducting elections also decrease.
Keywords: Arduino UNO, Biometric sensors, LCD, etc.

A voting process is an important part of democracy, which allows people to express their opinions by selecting their candidates. Elections are currently conducted in India using Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) , which are prone to fraud and are time-consuming to use. In India Electronic Voting Machines do not have a mechanism for confirming the voter’s identity before casting their ballot. Manufacturing of an EVMS can be tampered with, and in such instances, the actual voting can be manipulated. Governments have to maintain records after elections, which is another time-consuming task.

As a means to overcome these disadvantages of EVMs, our project emphasizes biometric verification and digital maintenance. In order to provide personal identification solutions, biometrics is becoming increasingly important. Identifiers based on biometrics cannot be shared or lost, so they represent the identity of an individual. Due to the fact that every individual’s thumb impression is different, it helps minimize the possibility of errors. In accordance with the requirements, a database with fingerprint images of all voters is created. With accurate coding, this system detects illegal votes and repeated votes. Consequently, implementing this fingerprint-based electoral voting system, elections can be made fair and free of rigging.



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