web application

a web application or web app is a client–server computer program that the client runs in a web browser. Common web applications include webmail, online retail sales, online banking, and online auctions.

Modeling Web application architectures with UML
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Web applications are becoming increasingly complex and mission critical. To help manage this complexity, they need to be modeled. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the standard language for modeling software intensive systems. When attempting to model web

Termextractor: a web application to learn the shared terminology of emergent web communities
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One of the first steps to model the knowledge domain of a virtual community is to collect a vocabulary of domainYrelevant terms, constituting the linguistic surface manifestation of domain concepts. Several methods to automatically eхtract technical terms from

GeneVenn-A web application for comparing gene lists using Venn diagrams
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Numerous methods are available to compare results of multiple microarray studies. One of the simplest but most effective of these procedures is to examine the overlap of resulting gene lists in a Venn diagram. Venn diagrams are graphical ways of representing

An Efficient Black-box Technique for Defeating Web Application Attacks.
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Over the past few years, injection vulnerabilities have become the primary target for remote exploits. SQL injection, command injection, and cross-site scripting are some of the popular attacks that exploit these vulnerabilities. Taint-tracking has emerged as one of the most

Semantic web application areas
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Currently, computers are changing from single, isolated devices into entry points to a worldwide network of information exchange and business transactions called the World Wide Web (WWW). However, the success of the WWW has made it increasingly difficult to

End-to-End Web Application Security.
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Web applications are important, ubiquitous distributed systems whose current security relies primarily on server-side mechanisms. This paper makes the end-toend argument that the client and server must collaborate to achieve security goals, to eliminate common security

Static Enforcement of Web Application Integrity Through Strong Typing.
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Security vulnerabilities continue to plague web applications, allowing attackers to access sensitive data and co-opt legitimate web sites as a hosting ground for malware. Accordingly, researchers have focused on various approaches to detecting and preventing common

Seaside a multiple control flow web application framework
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Developing web applications is difficult since (1) the client-server relationship is asymmetric: the server cannot update clients but only responds to client requests and (2) the navigation facilities of web browsers lead to a situation where servers cannot control the state of the

Home monitoring of patients with Parkinsons disease via wearable technology and a web -based application
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Objective long-term health monitoring can improve the clinical management of several medical conditions ranging from cardiopulmonary diseases to motor disorders. In this paper, we present our work toward the development of a home-monitoring system. The system is

Ubiquitous web application development-a framework for understanding
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ABSTRACT E-commerce and m-commerce have dramatically boosted the demand for services which enable ubiquitous access. Ubiquity with its anytime/anywhere/anymedia nature requiring contextaware computing and personalisation calls for new engineering The World Wide Web , more commonly known as the Web , is increasingly pervading every aspect of our lives. In the 15 years since the Web came into existence, our lives and work have been inexorably changed. It has dramatically influenced us in several ways and has

Implementation of cloud computing on web application
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Cloud computing is a new method to add capabilities to a computer without licensing new software, investing in new hardware or infrastructure or training new personnel. Applications are purchased, licensed and run over the network instead of users desktop. It provides The Web , as we see it today, is full of various standards and technologies. If you want to solve a certain problem, you can find plenty of literature describing solutions using a single or a group of technologies. But this literature often tends to focus on just few special aspects

Developing a Web -Based Application using OWL and SWRL.
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Data integration is central in Web application development because these applications typically deal with a variety of information formats. Ontology-driven applications face the additional challenge of integrating these multiple formats with the information stored in

Final technical report: Security patterns for web application development
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There is a huge disconnect between security professionals and systems developers. Security professionals are primarily concerned with the security of a system, while developers are primarily concerned with building a system that works. While security is one

The ODESeW 2.0 semantic web application framework.
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Oscar Corcho University of Manchester School of Computer Science Oxford Road, Manchester, United Kingdom +44(0)1612756821 Oscar.Corcho@manchester.ac.uk Angel López-Cima(*), Asunción Gómez-P rez Universidad Polit cnica de Madrid Facultad de

xJS: practical XSS prevention for web application development
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We present xJS, a practical framework for preventing code-injections in the web environment and thus assisting for the development of XSS-free web applications. xJS aims on being fast, developer-friendly and providing backwards compatibility. We implement and

Mobile application development: web vs. native
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50 CommunICatIons of the aCm| 2011| vOl. 54| nO. 5 practice fragmentation. Vic Gundotra, VP of engineering at Google, claimed that even Google was not rich enough to support all of the different mobile platforms from Apples App Store to those of the

Analyzing the accuracy and time costs of web application security scanners
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This paper is intended as a follow-on study to my October 2007 study, Analyzing the Effectiveness and Coverage of Web Application Security Scanners. This paper focuses on the accuracy and time needed to run, review and supplement the results of the web

Capturing Web Application Requirements through Goal-Oriented Analysis.
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New conceptual tools for effectively supporting the activity of requirements analysis of web applications are needed. Current approaches and model in Requirements Engineering (RE) can be tailored and extended in order to cope with the following distinctive features of

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