3D printing technology

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. … 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.

Development trends in additive manufacturing and 3D printing
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Additive manufacturing and 3D printing tech nology have been developing rapidly in the last 30 years, and indicate great potential for future development. The promising future of this technology makes its impact on traditional industry unpredictable. 3D printing will propel the

3D printing of continuous carbon fibre reinforced thermo-plastic (CFRTP) tensile test specimens
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A study was conducted to evaluate the current production capabilities of the Mark One® 3D printer in printing carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) tensile test specimens according to the JIS K 7073 by making use of fused deposition modelling. Several different

3D printing for mathematical visualisation
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3D printing is quickly becoming a very affordable option for producing physical objects. The term 3D printing covers a number of closely related technologies, all of which produce a 3- dimensional physical object from a computer model by building it up in successive layers

3D concrete printing : machine and mix design
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ABSTRACT 3D concrete printing is an innovative construction method that promises to be highly advantageous in the construction field in terms of optimizing construction time, cost, design flexibility, error reduction, and environmental aspects. Concrete is extruded through a

3D Aerosol jet printing -Adding electronics functionality to RP/RM
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Aerosol Jet printing is a unique CAD driven, Digital Manufacturing technique for creating miniaturised electronic circuits and components. The process works with a wide range of functional materials: conductors, semi-conductors, resistors, dielectrics and encapsulation

3D printing of electro mechanical systems
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Recent research has focused on the fabrication freedom of 3D printing to not only create conceptual models but final end-use products as well. By democratizing the manufacturing process, products will inevitably be fabricated locally and with unit-level customization. For

Examining variability in the mechanical properties of parts manufactured via polyjet direct 3D printing
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ABSTRACT In Objets PolyJet process, part layers are created by selectively inkjetting photopolymers onto a build substrate and then cured with ultraviolet lamps. With an eye towards using PolyJet as a manufacturing process to fabricate end-use products, the authors

Dapper: decompose-and-pack for 3D printing .
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We pose the decompose-and-pack or DAP problem, which tightly combines shape decomposition and packing. While in general, DAP seeks to decompose an input shape into a small number of parts which can be efficiently packed, our focus is geared towards 3D

Advanced auricular prosthesis development by 3D modelling and multi-material printing
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We investigate the use of medical imaging, digital design and 3D printing technologies as a viable means of reproducing a persons anatomy, with the intension of producing a working, patient specific prosthesis. This approach offers several advantages over traditional

The implications of 3D printing for the global logistics industry
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CONCLUSION If the new technology is to completely transform global industry, 3D Printing must be able to mass produce goods in the same volumes as traditional manufacturing techniques. At present the jury is still out on whether this is feasible. Some in the sector

3D printing and its disruptive impacts on supply chains of the future
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The concept of disrupting established systems and paradigms with innovative ideas and technologies has been prevalent throughout the history of mankind and is far older than any research documented about this topic. One of the earliest examples of this concept is the

The impact of 3D printing technology on the society and economy
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In this paper, we analyse the evolution of 3D printing technology, its applications and numerous social, economic, geopolitical, security and environmental consequences. We compare some of the most significant existing 3D printing solutions, taking into account the

3D Printing
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Whether its in the class- room, in the laboratory or on the competition stage, students, faculty and staff at West Virginia University are making an impact on the world of engineering. One person who has seen successful in two of those areas teaching and compe- titions is Powsiri

Whats the Deal with Coypright and 3d Printing .
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3D printing provides an opportunity to change the way we think about the world around us. 1 It merges the physical and the digital. People on opposite sides of the globe can collaborate on designing an object and print out identical prototypes every step of the way. Instead of

Advances in 3D printing additive manufacturing technologies
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We would like to thank the readers for taking the time to read this book, Advances in 3D Printing Additive Manufacturing Technologies. 3D printing and additive manufacturing are growing at an extremely fast rate today. Additive manufacturing technology automatically

3D printing brings designs to life
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Abstract Getting Excited about STEM Students in technology education programs from middle school through high school around the nation are benefiting from-and enjoying- hands-on experience in mechanical engineering, applied mathematics, materials

Additive manufacturing of metal-ceramic-composites by thermoplastic 3D – printing (3DTP)
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In our new approach thermoplastic 3D printing (3DTP) high-filled ceramic and metal feedstocks based on thermoplastic binder systems were used to produce metal-ceramic- composites by means of additive manufacturing (AM). The developed AM method has some

3D printing technology for a moon outpost exploiting lunar soil
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In recent years rapid prototyping (aka 3D – Printing ) technologies gained growing interest in the architecture community for their promise to allow direct construction of buildings with virtually any shape. Some of these technologies have the capability to agglomerate inert

Application of fused deposition modeling technology in 3D printing rapid prototyping area
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Rapid Prototyping (RP) can be defined as a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a part or assembly using three-dimensional computer aided design (CAD) data. What is commonly considered to be the first RP technique, Stereolithography, was

3D printing in colour: Technical evaluation and creative applications
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In this paper we report on an ongoing interdisciplinary investigation into the capabilities of colour 3D printing technologies, and present examples of the application of these technologies within art and design practice. The paper demonstrates that a quantitative

The 3D printing process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design model, usually by successively adding material layer by layer, which is why it is also called additive manufacturing,

Digital fabrication technology, also referred to as 3D printing or additive manufacturing, creates physical objects from a geometrical representation by successive .