Naman Kudesia, Prateek Saxena, Vineet Agarwal
BBDITM, Lucknow
ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is the process of remotely operating, organizing, and accessing equipment and programming assets. It provides data storage, infrastructure, and applications online. Cloud computing provides consumers with a virtual computing environment in which to store data and run applications. However, because cloud administrators store and manage client information outside of the purview of customers, cloud computing has brought security issues.
Virtualization is becoming a key component of cloud computing, but we can only utilize it if it provides solid protection and security.
Cryptography is the art of attaining security via the use of various encryption techniques to safeguard or secure cloud data. Various cryptographic encryption algorithms are employed in the cloud to safeguard data that will be utilized or stored there.
It enables consumers to securely use shared cloud administrations since any information provided by cloud providers is encrypted.
Cloud cryptography protects sensitive data without slowing information sharing.
Cloud cryptography helps us to secure vital data outside of our corporate IT environment when it is no longer under our control.
Because there is no such mechanism in the cloud that provides actual and physical control over the storage of information, the only way we can ensure that the information spreading through the cloud is protected, encrypted, and stored cryptographically is by employing various cryptographic techniques and algorithms. As a result, many cryptographic issues that pose a danger to cloud computing are examined in this work. This paper is a survey of specific security issues raised by the use of cryptography in a cloud computing system, as well as how to implement data security solutions that provide reliable security and sensitive data protection, such as cloud data protection through encryption and cryptographic key management.

KEYWORDS: Cloud Computing, Cloud Technology, Cryptographic Algorithm, Infrastructure, Internet, Security Issue, Ciphertext, Cloud Provider, Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, MitM


Cloud computing is a framework for giving on-demand network access to a pooled pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, software, and services) that may be instantly provided and released with no maintenance effort or involvement from service providers.
In cloud computing, resources are abstracted and virtualized from the cloud provider s IT infrastructure and made available to the user. Cloud infrastructure provides several advantages to cloud customers and other important stakeholders.
Some of these advantages include access to data stored in the cloud regardless of location, pay-on-demand, flexibility and elasticity, and cost savings by avoiding the purchase of hardware and other IT infrastructure. Despite these advantages, cloud computing is not without its drawbacks. Security is the primary worry in the cloud computing sector. The first and most obvious issue is privacy concerns. That is, if another entity is storing all of your data, how can you be sure it is safe and secure? Because cloud computing is powered by the internet, data moved to the cloud might be examined by anyone from anywhere when security is hacked. Hackers are willing to go to any length to steal data. From selling your personal information to competitors and individuals on the dark web to locking your storage and data until you pay them off, they may simply remove anything to hurt your firm and justify their acts on ideological grounds. This will have a significant impact on the firm s reputation, as well as diminishing consumer interest in the brand, leading to customer loss. In any event, hackers are a big threat to your cloud-based data. Because your data is stored on someone else s computer, you may be vulnerable to any security measures they provide. Organizations have little control over what happens to their data in the cloud since the cloud provider manages everything, including security.


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