Study the Effect of Using Subordinate Grass Ash on Mechanical Properties in Fabrication of Ceramics IJTSRD

Ceramics have been used since the earliest civilization. The field of ceramic materials has its roots in more traditional aspects of the subject like clay based ceramics and glasses. Ceramics are defined as solid compounds that are formed by the application of heat and sometimes heat and pressure. It has been defined ceramics as, “the art and science of making and using solid articles, which have as their essential component, and are composed in large part of, inorganic nonmetallic materials. Sub-ordinate grass ash is consider for manufacture of ceramics since it has rich silica content and easily available in cheaper cost. Ceramics are developed by using poly-vinyl alcohol as binder in composition of silica, the composition is heated at temperature of 1000deg-c at 3hours, the samples are prepared by varying composition of silica. The newly developed ceramics samples are exhibit better mechanical characteristics like compressive, flexural strengths.

Mr. M. Siva Manojkumar | Mr. D. Harshavardhan | Mr. K. Viswanath”Study the Effect of Using Subordinate Grass Ash on Mechanical Properties in Fabrication of Ceramics”

Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018,


call for paper Manufacturing engineering, international journal Textile Engineering, ugc approved journals for engineering