Competitive Strategies management

Effects of competitive strategies and strategic management accounting techniques on perceived performance of businesses
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The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of competitive strategies and strategic management accounting techniques (SMAT) on the perceived qualitative and quantitative performance of medium and large size businesses in Kayseri, Turkey. In the

Overcoming the Efficiency Paradox: Competitive Strategies for the Management Education Industry
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The competitive situation of the management education industry has changed dramatically in recent years. Traditional players like universities find themselves in a competitive environment between new emerging sub-sectors such as corporate or virtual universities

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In the 21st century, the businesses can communicate and share information rapidly and efficiently by using technologies that are in constant development and change and can gain more at less cost. These developments and changes in the business world force us to

Business Strategies and Competitive Advantage through Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Environmental Management .
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Both environmental sustainability and the production of green products are strategies that are dictated by the need for environmental protection and modern business management practices, but still they are not widely applied. Adopting such strategies gives businesses the

Technology management and competitive intelligence: strategies for a changing world
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Purpose. Attempts to gather everything that might relate to a technology of interest can lead to high costs, long delays, and the inability to make sense of what is found. The idea is to think and gather, rather than gather and think. Work closely with the users to identify the

Competitive airline scheduling under airport demand management strategies
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Demand often exceeds capacity at the congested airports. Various strategic slot control mechanisms are used to bring demand and supply in balance. Given a slot allocation strategy, the profitability of an airline depends not only on its own schedule but also on

Effects of working capital management on company value under different competitive strategies .
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Traditionally, the researchers in managing working capital have focused on the concept of working capital, working capital structure, turnover period of working capital, and the relationship between working capital and firm performance. However, as a guideline of all

Strategies for competitive advantage and supply chain management : Synergy opportunities
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Integrating research from the strategic management and the supply chain management (SCM) literatures promises a fertile area of research that can enrich both areas. In this work, an attempt was made to answer the recent calls for incorporating perspectives from each

Performance management strategies : a competitive advantage for high technology firms: a study in the Okanagan Valley Region of British Columbia, Canada
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High technology firms are important to economic growth. A key factor in survival and growth of these firms is the attraction and retention of qualified workers. This exploratory research compares how high technology firms use performance management strategies to gain a

Competitive Strategies of Thai Contractors in Construction Project Management in the CLMV Countries
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CLMV countries, namely Cambodia, Laos, Myan and Vietnam, are potential overseas markets for Thai contractors. Since the CLMV countries are in the developing stage, there are many construction and infrastructure projects emerging in order to develop economic

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More than a hundred universities in Thailand attempt to be the highest ranking; therefore competition becomes a necessity (Rungfamai). Competition race becomes one of the most critical points in the business world (Henry, Haiyan Kevin). There are many

Analysis Of Customer Relationship Management And Marketing Strategies Against Competitive Advantage On The Companys Distributor In Medan City
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Competitive advantage required by any company that wants to be able to reach a much larger target market. Competitive advantage will show the market against all forms of goodness that want to be given to the market of what it produces. The high level of

Market advantage and environmental strategies of firms: competitive rationales for proactive environmental management
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If environmental investments are supposed to generate economic returns or become sources of competitive advantage, managers need to identify the appropriate circumstances favoring such scenarios. They first need to recognize that competitive advantage might be

The Competitive Role of Human Resource Management Strategies on SMES in a Transitional Economy
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The aim of this paper is to elaborate the relationship between human resource management strategies (HRMs) and their impact on firms competitive advantage. It examines the strategic goals of human resources and their influence on creating firms competitive advantage

The Effect of Risk Management Strategies on The Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Commercial Banks in Kenya
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Literature relating to the effect of risk management strategies on sustainable competitive advantage of commercial banks is analyzed in this chapter. It examines the theoretical foundation of the study, discusses the concept of sustainable competitive advantage

Impact of Self- Management Self-Motivation and Self-Awareness on Competitive Strategies
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This study aims to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and competitive strategies in public and private banks of Semnan province. Statistical society includes managers and employees in four top public banks and two top private banks in central

Talent Management Strategies For Generation Y and Competitive Advantate of Commercial Banks in Kenya
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In this chapter, literature related to the effects of talent management for generation Y workforce on the organizations competitive advantage was reviewed. The review focuses on the elements of talent management strategies for generation Y workforce that are put in

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Strategic human resources management has gained more importance after the realization of the critical role of human resources to gain competitive advantage for organizations. According to the strategic human resources management view; organizations should align

Management of Housing Finance Companies in India in the Emerging Scenario: Some Competitive Strategies
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It is well recognized that housing has got immense potential for economic development of any nation, apart from its social development role. The vast forward and backward linkages of housing enable it to promote rapid economic development. The fact that housing is one of

Assessing the Mediating Role of manufacturing competitive strategies in the relationship of Quality Management System and Financial Performance
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extend Quality Management System (QMS) impact the manufacturing competitive strategies low cost, high quality, delivery time, flexibility and innovation-which consequently mediates the effect of QMS on financial