Decision Analysis management

Background The management of symptomatic or incidentally discovered common bile duct (CBD) stones is still controversial. Of patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy for symptomatic cholelithiasis, 5 15% will also harbor CBD stones, and those with symptoms

Multicriteria decision analysis in water resources management
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Often, the outcomes of alternatives: cannot be quantitatively assessed. However, the decision maker is able to judge the outcomes qualitatively such as good, poor and bad. In this case a distance: based technique–cannot be: applied because, even-in the case that

Management of avulsed permanent incisors: a decision analysis based on changing concepts
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Dr. Lee is a resident in pediatric dentistry and a PhD candidate in Health Policy and Administration; Dr. Vann is the Demeritt Distinguished professor and graduate program director in pediatric dentistry; Dr. Sigurdsson is an assistant professor and graduate program There are always conflicting goals in the management of large water courses. However, by involving stakeholders actively in the planning and decisionmaking processes, it is possible to work together toward commonly acceptable solutions. In this article, we describe how we

Multicriteria decision analysis in water resources management : the malnichara channel improvement
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Multicriteria decision analysis tool is used in many water resources and environmental management projects. The Malnichara is one of the natural channels in Sylhet city (Bangladesh) responsible for storm runoff conveyance to the downstream Surma river. The

A DEA-TOPSIS method for multiple criteria decision analysis in emergency management
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A hybrid approach of DEA (data envelopment analysis ) and TOPSIS (technique for order performance (preference) by similarity to ideal solution) is proposed for multiple criteria decision analysis in emergency management . Two DEA-based optimization models are

Management of children with acute pharyngitis: a decision analysis
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Background. Although the incidence of acute rheumatic fever has declined in the last decades, a few outbreaks have recently been reported. A rapid latex agglutina tion test for group A streptococci seems reasonably ac curate, and early treatment of acute pharyngitis

Development of a decision support tool for primary care management of patients with abnormal liver function tests without clinically apparent liver disease: a
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Printed copies of HTA monographs cost £20 each (post and packing free in the UK) to both public and private sector purchasers from our Despatch Agents Non-UK purchasers will have to pay a small fee for post and packing. For European countries the cost is £2 per monograph and

Multi-criteria decision analysis with goal programming in engineering, management and social sciences: a state-of-the art review
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Goal programming (GP) is an important class of multi-criteria decision models widely used to analyze and solve applied problems involving conflicting objectives. Originally introduced in the 1950s by Charnes et al.(Manag Sci 2: 138 15 1955) the popularity and applications of

Concrete waste management decision analysis based on life cycle assessment
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Malaysia, a developing country has always had a high level of construction activity. While it means economic growth, the waste generated by the construction industry has always posed a problem. Most of the construction waste is made up of concrete. The inert and non

Fuzzy decision analysis for project scope change management
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It is very important to manage and control projects with the consideration of the triple constraints; namely time, cost and scope. It is also extremely important to manage the scope and all the procurements needed to complete any project. During the projects lifecycle many

Broader economic evaluation of disease management programs using multi-criteria decision analysis
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Objectives: The aim of this paper is to develop a methodological framework to facilitate the application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for a comprehensive economic evaluation of disease management programs (DMPs). Methods: We studied previously

Decision Analysis Framework for Risk Management of Crude Oil Pipeline System.
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A model is constructed for risk management of crude pipeline subject to rupture on the basis of a methodology that incorporates structured expert judgment and analytic hierarchy process AHP. The risk model calculates frequency of failure and their probable

Uncertainty and fishery management in the North American Great Lakes: lessons from applications of decision analysis
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Many fishery management decisions continue to be guided by science only through best guess interpretation of assessment information and deterministic models of fisheries and food webs; until very recently this was true of nearly all fishery management in the Great

Management of dyspepsia: a decision analysis model
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the costs and outcomes associated with five management strategies for patients with dyspepsia: endoscopy; upper gastrointestinal (Gl) radiographic series; a serologic test for H pylori; empiric acute antisecre-tory therapy Background Benefit from pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) combined with superior mesenteric-portal vein (SMV-PV) resection in the management of pancreatic adenocarcinoma with local venous invasion remains controversial. Methods Using formal

Engaging stakeholders for adaptive management using structured decision analysis
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Adaptive management is different from other types of management in that it includes all stakeholders (versus only policy makers) in the process, uses resource optimization techniques to evaluate competing objectives, and recognizes and attempts to reduce

A clinical decision analysis of cryotherapy compared with expectant management for cervical dysplasia
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BACKGROUND. Screening for precursors of cervical cancer with colposcopic examination for women with abnormal Papanicolaou (Pap) smears identifies those with cervical dysplasia. Though the majority of mild dysplasias (ClN I) will regress, many are treated with

Asset management literature review and potential applications of simulation, optimization and decision analysis techniques for right-of-way and transportation
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This report documents the work performed during phase one of Project 0-553 Asset Management Texas Style. The overall purpose of the research is to develop state-of-the- practice asset management methodologies for the Texas Department of Transportation

An appreciation of decision analysis in management
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Decision analysis the practice of Bernoullian decision theory and Bayesian statistics, is reviewed in relation to its application in management . Aspects of the scaling of beliefs (probabilities) and preferences (utilities) are discussed, focussing on practical problems. It is

Hybrid Approaches of Verbal Decision Analysis in the Selection of Project Management Approaches.
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Decision support methods aim at assisting in the decisionmaking process by simplifying the analysis of the problem and justifying the choice of a particular potential action. Recent researches have shown that the hybridization of methods is able to overcome limitations

Multi-criteria decision analysis as a tool to extract fishing footprints: application to small scale fisheries and implications for management in the context of the
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In the context of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive and with the intention of contributing to the implementation of a future maritime spatial plan, it was decided to analyze data from the small scale coastal fisheries sector of Greece and estimate the actual extent of its

Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis of Retention Areas for Flood Risk Management .
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Problems of flood risk management are inherently complex, multifaceted, and involving many decision makers with conflicting priorities. Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) can help to manage this complexity and decision support by combining human judgmentsBackground The clinical and economic management of retinal diseases has become more complex following the introduction of new intravitreal treatments. Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) offers the potential to overcome the challenges associated with traditional

Multiple criteria decision analysis using dea-topsis method for hazardous waste management : a case study of the USA
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Environmental pollution is one of the major concerns in the recent world. Hazardous waste is the major factors causing pollution and degradation of environment. It is such waste with a chemical composition or other properties that make it capable of causing harm to humansManaging risks and the associated decisions surrounding them is an activity often undertaken by organizations within an enterprise on an ad hoc basis, using document templates or spreadsheets to track issues or concerns and associated actions. Such an

Bayesian methods and decision analysis as a rational basis to dealing with conflicting stock assessment results while providing management advice on stock
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Very different predictions about the consequences of alternative management actions often result from applying different assumptions or hypotheses in a stock assessment. Managers are then presented with a variety of results in which the best action depends upon which

Decision analysis application for Lake Erie walleye management : final report to the Lake Erie Committee
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Fisheries science is not exact. Fish populations vary naturally both in space and over time. Data collected are not always precise and can be plagued by measurement error, missing data points, and limited sample sizes. Predictive tools rely on broad assumptions or on

Diagnosis and Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in the Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease: A Decision Analysis
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The goal of this study was to evaluate the costs and outcomes associated with four general approaches to the management of patients with diagnosed peptic ulcer disease:(1) acute- dosage antisecretory therapy, without testing for Helicobacter pylori;(2) mainte-nance

Economic incentives in sustainable water management : a risk-based decision analysis approach for determining groundwater pollution charges under
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ABSTRACT A risk-based decision analysis methodology is presented, that can be used as a water policy tool in the design of economic incentive instruments, under conditions of uncertainty. A contaminated groundwater resource system with unknown hydrogeological

Multi-criteria multi-stakeholder decision analysis using a fuzzy-stochastic approach for hydrosystem management
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The conventional methods used to solve multi-criteria multi-stakeholder problems are less strongly formulated, as they normally incorporate only homogeneous information at a time and suggest aggregating objectives of different decisionmakers avoiding water society

Decision analysis tools for risk management of industrial ports and harbors
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Page 1. Dr. Greg Parnell, Professor Department of Systems Engineering United States Military Academy at West Point Senior Principal, Innovative Decisions Inc. President, Decision Analysis Society Institute for Operations

Decision analysis and markov chains for management of chronic kidney failures in turkey
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Growing elder population and awareness in Turkey force to take some steps to hinder the increase in Chronic Kidney Failures (CKFs) one of the most serious illnesses in Turkey. Stages 1-3 are totally ignored in Turkey and no measures but approximations are taken to

HIVIEW and EQUITY: decision analysis for environmental management
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Multiple and conflicting objectives, uncertain or incomplete information, and multiple interest groups frequently characterise the decisions environmental managers must take. Difficulty in decision making arises when there are several feasible courses of action none of which is

An invasive plant management decision analysis tool
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The purpose of the Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool (IPMDAT) is to assist The Nature Conservancy (TNC), as well as partner agencies and organizations, in deciding if an invasive plant management project is likely to be successful. A successful invasive

Integrating ecosystem services into assessment of different management options in a protected area: a deliberate multi-criteria decision analysis approach
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nature provides us with the very essentials of life. it gives us clean air and water; enables us to produce and gather food, fuel and raw materials from the land and sea; regulates our climate; stems flood waters and it filters pollution. It also gives us personal benefits from

Water management strategies analysis using multiple criteria decision techniques towards sustainable development of northern Gaza strip
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Gaza Strip is located on the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In this region, water resources are currently facing extreme over exploitation leading to a sharp decline of groundwater level. It leads seawater intrusion to the coastal aquifer and increases

Application of decision analysis techniques for land use planning and management
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The author came to Cornell University intending to work with traditional land evaluation procedures for developing a comprehensive land evaluation system that could be applied to a variety of land use practices. After courses and productive discussions with advisors, he

Role of rural women in farm management decision making process: Ordered probit analysis
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Rural women play a significant role in domestic and socio-economic life of the society such that national development is not possible without developing this important and substantial segment of our society. Considering therefore, the importance of women in agriculture, this

Decision analysis for management of trigeminal neuralgia
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To formulate evidence-based decision analysis tree that briefly summarizes systematically, various methods for the management of trigeminal neuralgia (TN). TN is a relatively rare condition which causes severe, intermittent, and electric shock-like pains on the face. Little is